Friday, April 9, 2010

Poetry Acrostic

P assionate writers express themselves by stringing together imagery, art, and wisdom with their own splash of style--these are the artists of literature, these people write poetry. Petry describes loneliness like the empty seats of a ferris wheel dancing alone with the air at an abandoned amusement park. It describes joy, with every line shaping a smile on your face. And even envy and anger that is wrestling out to end the poets' misery in each stanza.

O ften hard to decode, the beauty of these handpicked words usually disappear unheard--deafened by the lack of listeners. But those who listen, find the key. And those who put them together, are left spellbound. Just like the dove that appears from the magician's hands. Just like magic.

E loquent could be what we say. But it's the way our heart, mind and soul reacts to the impact of the words that makes us say that: your heart skips beats, your mind in a cloud, your soul finding peace. This is the black and white that pulls you into another world.

T o express these feelings they used metaphors. To draw the picture the poet is trying to depict, he used repetition. They're the painters of the masterpieces in our head that makes us wonder.

R eading poetry once only lingers in your mind. Read it twice, you'll hear the voice of the poet narrating his story. Read it once more, and it'll inspire you and stay in your heart.

Y es, yes, this is poetry to me. Yes, yes, poetry comes from the heart. The mind. Yes,yes, it comes from the soul.

1 comment:

  1. OOO, i love your poem its got lots imagery and it sounds like a one of those poems you described above, keep posting , 'cause I love to read them! <3
