Tuesday, November 24, 2009

One of Things I Just Can't Handle

Do you know about people who keep on asking questions? Or the people who can't stand defeat? Yeah, people like that agitate me. Big time.

Sometimes I just want to run away from all of those and never come back--ever; sometimes I want to punch them so hard they would die(I wouldn't really result to violence but you know what I mean... right?).

Why must I be the only one to handle this? There's nothing I can do!


  1. Great story!!!! I love the way you really showed your feeling about your opinion!!!
    Great job!!!

  2. excellent!!!!!!I could really see what u wanted to tell me!!!1

    i could feel what you think (not that is happening to me but just saying :P)
    great job like always!
    keep it up.

    - Alexaa♥
