I don't like watching
something end.
I believe we all wake up
to the scent of dew
from the trees.
I believe nutella on bread
is key
to a good breakfast
I believe time does wait for people
but we are all trying hard to beat it
I believe deadlines don't kill us
but we do so on our own doing.
I believe we don't throw things away,
we set them aside.
I believe in laughing like a fool.
And crying like a toddler.
I believe in chilled watermelon
on a sweltering day,
the cold juice trickling down my chin
and numbing my fingers.
I believe the only way to eat chicken wings
is with your hands.
And when you're done
you have to lick your fingers.
If not, it isn't really doing the chicken wings justice
I believe the man on the moon
is not a man at all,
it's a rabbit.
And I believe,
if you're on a swing,
and you tilt your head back,
the sky is not so far away.